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  • The Future Of Energy Is Oil, Gas – And This One Stock

The Future Of Energy Is Oil, Gas – And This One Stock

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Oil and gas get a bad rap.

Politicians rail against them and suggest that all profits from the beginning of time be clawed back and donated to homes for the aged and indicted term limit victims.

Activists suggest that all oil and gas should be left in the ground and industry executives executed by their choice of the ancient Viking blood eagle ritual or being forced to listen to Greta Thunberg talk until they expire or go stark raving mad.

While both classes of upstanding citizens make a lot of noise about ending oil and gas, they are actually blowing a lot of hot air, and they know it.

The future needs energy, and a substantial amount of it, especially here in the United States. This is a pressing issue that we cannot afford to ignore.

We are bringing industries like semiconductors and semiconductor equipment back to the United States for economic and security reasons. Look for pharmaceuticals and other critical industries to follow the same path before long.

The continued expansion of things like artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency mining, quantum computing, and other technological breakthroughs will use an enormous amount of electricity. So will electric and hybrid vehicles.

All that’s going to require a lot of energy – from oil and gas.

In this expensive market, if you can dig up value plays, you could have an entire portfolio of winners. I have a dividend portfolio that’s winning 100%... and I just released a new value portfolio that is my best yet. Because you have a chance to get high dividends and huge profits at the same time.